You’ll be glad to know that we have kicked off our planning for this years’ She Births® Show. Last year was such a powerful event that so many people loved (and many people missed out on getting tickets to) that we have set the bar high for 2018.
Powerful Women create peaceful births and life they love was a broad topic that inspired us all in different ways. Maybe allowing you to envision a beautiful birth, or work in a more authentic passionate way or perhaps just simply enjoy being with other women in a space of sharing stories, laughing and crying together.
This week I was deeply inspired by another woman, Hannah Gadsby. You may have heard her share her story and insights before as to why she is leaving comedy. But hearing her talk about the nature of humanity, narratives and the experience of being part of a minority filled with shame was heart opening and breaking. Her intelligence, clarity, humanity and humour moved me to tears. I wish she would stand for Prime Minister! Check out her Netflix doco Nanette here.
As psychologist Thrash and Elloitt note “The heights of human motivation spring from the beauty and goodness that precede us and awaken us to better possibilities.” Being inspired allows us to see the world and our lives differently. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the humdrum patterns of daily life that we forget how important it is to nourish our hearts and minds with knowledge from others beyond our norm. If you want to know a bit more about why inspiration is important to us read here.
As part of our community we would also love to hear from you…and know WHO inspires you?
Inspiration can come in so many different ways. Tag a friend here on FB or INSTA who inspires you and would love our next She Births® Show.
Tell us an inspirational Aussie woman that you would like to see on the next Show here on FB or INSTA so you can go into the draw to get two FREE tickets.
She Births® is 10 years old very soon and we have a few more celebratory things in the wings. We look forward to sharing the love with you.
To watch last years show go here, make a cuppa and enjoy.
Love and gratitude,
Nadine xx