Our She Births® Full Online Course has 4 core modules filled with easy bite-size videos running 10 hours total. This is plenty to get you and your partner ready for birth!

You also get another 10+ hours of visualisations for deep relaxation and self-hypnosis, amazing birth story video interviews with our couples describing how they utilise our philosophy and techniques in totally unique scenarios plus OUR PRENATAL YOGA CLASS, actual birth footage, bonus downloads of our visual birth ‘icon’ preferences sheet and so much more. 


MODULE ONE: Learn the anatomy, physiology & hormonal orchestration of birth. Build the mindset & set your intention for a beautiful birth experience.

MODULE TWO: Introduction to breathing techniques, massage and acupressure to calm, relax & rehearse for the surges of labour.

MODULE THREE: An in-depth look at the strategies for each stage of labour. Understand hospital protocols, role of the doula & partner support.

MODULE FOUR: Deepen into relaxation with your partner as an anchor. Learn about breastfeeding, attachment, baby language and the ‘We Parent’ approach.

BIRTH STORY VIDEOS: See how couples utilised She Births tools & principals to make birth a loving, connected experience, no matter what unfolds.

VISUALISATIONS: Giving the body 20 minutes of deep rest every day is essential when preparing for birth. Experience your relaxation response.

BEAUTIFUL BIRTHS AT HOME & HOSPITAL: An invaluable insight into the birthing process. See how these couples made their births work for them in different environments.

YOUR SHE BIRTHS® RESOURCES: Created by The Birthing Institute as a visual guide, cheat sheet & reference book to explore a deeper philosophy of birth.

BREASTFEEDING RESOURCES: Starting breastfeeding with good attachment lays the foundation for an easier journey together. Resources courtesy of The Birthing Institute affiliates.

BONUS RESOURCES: Gain a deeper insight into acupressure techniques & effectiveness, check out Active Birth Manifesto & prepare your pelvic floor for birth.

FORUMS: Exclusive chat with founder, Nadine Richardson, covering all the curly topics. Includes expert interviews covering physiotherapy, naturopathy, nutrition & more.