What is the most precious and spiritual journey in the world?

Written on 04/28/2016
Nadine Richardson

In my experience the most precious, sacred and most spiritual journey in the world is Motherhood 🙂 All based upon a profound attachment, deep loving, setting a few boundaries….and then lots and lots and lots of letting go. What do you think *|FNAME|*?
As my baby boy turned 14 the other day and went off camping on his own in the rain for the weekend…and continues to go out with his mates more and more I go through my own stages of grief and layer upon layer of letting go. Giving him more and more freedom is of course the nature of things and part of evolution. I would say though at times it comes with a little discomfort and even sadness. In the process of readjusting to newer levels of competencies and responsibilities I also however get to relish in the hard work I have put in. Which is not always hard of course but has certainly involved a lot of my deep presence, care and time.
When I see his loyalty to his mates – defending friends against the bullies at school, when I see him navigate his way through awkward girlfriend break ups with kindness and of course when I watch him laugh, dance and enjoy his life to the fullest – behaving often with the freedom of a 4 year old one minute and conversing with grandparents about politics or the latest play we saw I am so deeply fulfilled that all pain of detachment ceases.
For those of you with younger children all I can say to you is…treasure it, value it and honour it. This time with your child and the privilege you have now to watch them grow is the most wonderful job you will ever do. As amazing as my work is and as lucky as I am to do what I believe in, there is nothing I value more than my role as mother and the sacredness of my relationship with my son.
Ironically in the pain of letting go we often begin to treasure what really matters and connect to the love and presence we take for granted. So allow yourself to feel the sadness whatever stage you are at – sending your little one off to start day care or to school, or when you have to take time for yourself and leave them with Dad. Each pang is all a sign of how much you have loved. And the rewards of that deep love will not only change you deeply through the loving process of devotion and surrender of self…but also give your child such a sense of deep worth, esteem and resilience that you will love watching them shine more and more over the years.
So I want to wish you, *|FNAME|* a truly beautiful Mother’s Day this year. And let you know that in the week leading up to Mother’s Day I will be giving away lots of great holistic, yummy and spiritually supportive prizes on Instagram and Facebook – books and gifts that will support you and your friends to be the best mum you can be. So make sure you are connected here to claim a prize on facebook or find @shebirths on Instagram if you prefer.

If you are new mum with a babe in arms then definitely don’t miss out on being part of my next Soul Mama Circle – Starting Thursday 5th May 1.30pm at The Dharma Shala – Check out my new Soul Mama Circle video and register online here to attend.
Nadine xxx
I am so excited to share that my She Births® – Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is OPEN for registrations and YA accredited
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