Dear all,
Well, we got through the school holiday juggle. I did get sick of popcorn and lemonade at the movies but I really loved not having to be at school by 9am every morning and really enjoyed spending quality time with Leroy and his mates at the beach. Letting ten young boys take over the Red Leaf pontoons with all their testosterone was both loud and great fun.
I am so struck at the moment by the wonder of synchronicity and the power of manifestation. When intentions are pure and clear, the stars aligned and we are ready, things just flow so effortlessly. All the time women are giving birth to new life, not just to our babies. There’s new ideas and businesses, different dinners to be made and games to be created and played with our kiddies. We are all continually drawing from the same pool of creativity and passion that exists in the belly and heart of everyone.
For me the most important thing is practicing yoga and meditation and keeping rhythm and balance within my daily life. These two most ancient practices help me keep the faith that all I long for is coming, and the knowledge that even here and now within the energy of my heart I am completely fulfilled. As a world renowned yogi once said…Keep practicing, all is coming.
Nadine xxx
Synchronicity and practice
Written on 10/11/2010
Nadine Richardson
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