Just a quickie to support you wherever you are within the sacred cycle of pregnancy, birth and parenting.
I’m only interested in what really makes a difference in life and touching as many hearts as possible. If you are on this newsletter list, I’m sure you are too.
I hope you find some inspiration and some solutions below for you and your friends and family.
Let me know if you think these solutions are ‘on the money‘?
And drop me a line cause I’d love to know what you need right now.
I promise you are not alone.
xxx Nadine
Q: What do couples really need ?
A: More sex, intimacy and laughter.
Solution: Check out this hilarious talk by Amanda Gore and come along to the Conscious Club on Friday 10th May to hear her speak live!
I just love her and can’t wait….If you are not getting your 10 non-sexual touches a day better bring dad along too 😉
Q: What do new mums really need?
A: Support, kinship and encouragement to trust their parenting intuition.
Solution: Be a part of the next Soul Mama Circle and find your inner strength to parent from your heart.
- Monday 6th May @ 12 – 2pm
- $30 – one off administration fee
- Dharma Shala Yoga School – 108 Brighton Blvd. North Bondi
Q: What do pregnant mums really need ?
A: As many tools in the tool kit as possible for the big day !
Solution: You gotta have a welcoming rather than fearful mindset. You gotta know and practice all the natural inner resources like breathing techniques, body scanning, spiralling etc beforehand to make it automatic…You gotta make sure that Dad is skilled up to help you with the outer resources; acupressure, massage, hot nappy wraps and more!
You can only get ALL this knowledge and more by doing SHE BIRTHS®.