Online Conferences | Yoga Australia Conferences | Underwater photos

Written on 03/03/2015
Nadine Richardson

If you’re having a baby, you’re a mummy with small kids or simply feel extremely PASSIONATE about birth, motherhood and YOGA like me then don’t miss these two fantastic conferences I’m speaking at in March.
The first is an online conference from 23 – 28 March that will be invaluable. It’s called Bumps, Birth and Babies – Holistic Health Conference and it’s run by the Red Tent Mums, who are Chinese medicine practitioners with a strong focus on pregnancy, birth, children and women’s health.
There is so much to learn and all the seminars are accessible online – so it’s just a case of signing up and logging on! I’ll be speaking about the 3 Pillars to creating a safer, shorter and more beautiful birth alongside some other fabulous experts such as Dr Sarah Buckley, Debra Pascali Bonaro and Pinky McKay. You’ll be able to choose from topics like:

  • Orgasmic Birth – Moving from Pain to Power
  • Prepping Dads for Birth
  • How to Get your Mojo Back after Baby

… and so much more.
All of the info is available here. Once you’ve signed up for free, you’ll be able to listen to as many of the talks as you like. Transcripts and audio will then be available for purchase should you wish to keep them. I’m super excited about this conference and also the upcoming Yoga Australia Conference being held on Sunday 22nd March.
I will be talking about one of my DEEPEST PASSSIONS….Childbirth as a Vedic rite of passage. The theme for this year’s conference is the 8 limbs of yoga.  As you may already know yoga is not really about creating pretzel shapes with our bodies, but rather settling the mind and expanding our consciousness so we can move further into a state of enlightenment and ahimsa (non-violence).
I will be sharing how with the right preparation, knowledge and tools childbirth can be one of the most evolving experiences of our lives.  A sacred rite of passage that has the opportunity to expand our consciousness, enlighten our hearts and minds, and teach us about the very cornerstones of love..the essence of yoga.

I hope you can join me at one or both conferences!
xxx NadineFilming my new Prenatal Yoga DVD at The Living Room, Coogee
Nadine Richardson with two pregnant women doing She Births® prenatal yoga

It’s definitely time for another soul mamma circle. I hope all of you with new borns, up to a few months old are able to join me next Tuesday 10th March 12-2.30pm at the Dharma Shala. It is ideal if you can register beforehand as we cannot guarantee you a place and can’t let mums join after the first meeting.


Although Chris is award winning photographer and travels the world taking pics of all sorts of things…. I just had to share his underwater Bondi work. It reminds me so much of the beauty of where we are and captures almost a womb like wholenss. I would have loved to have had a pic of my belly in the Bondi seas and also think that a little baby in an underwater shoot too would be so beautiful!
Give him a call and jump in the warm water ocean of life today. Chris is offering 25% off for those who mention ‘she births’. So go create a beautiful image for your wall and memory for your family here:

underwater maternity sydney
Big love to you and your loved onesxxx Nadine