Thank you for sharing another year with me and with She Births®.
I hope that your Christmas break brings you rest, joy, connection and deep peace.
What more can we ask for in life but for our true nature to be revealed to us…more and more each year? It is through this mysterious journey of life that we continue to uncover the essence of who we are and let go of all that no longer serves us, or our loved ones.
Here is a quote I read each week and reflect upon. I endeavour to build my life upon it, but often forget of course…
and always will meet
every human need
I like to go to my roots and attend church at Christmas, only if a particular priest is speaking, but I also like to remember the magic of our community here in Bondi, and around the world via She Births® – like we are our own little congregation. Committed to love, peace, happiness (as well as evidence based information for better births.)
It is a real honour to be the caretaker of She Births® and a part of this community with you. I believe that something quite magical is going to happen next year globally that will shift the way we view our earth…perhaps a return to joy and honouring of the feminine in a greater way?? I don’t know..just a hunch 😉
Lots of love and safe journey wherever you are,
Nadine xxx
Last chance to buy a gift voucher for Yoga or She Births® course is today. Contact me here now to create a gift that will change someone’s life forever.
Prenatal Yoga re-starts at the beautifully renovated Shala this Saturday 26th Dec. 12pm
She Births® – Solo Mums course end of January 2016.
February 27/28th She Births® is filling up fast. Don’t miss out
New Mexican Rebozo Shawls for birth have just arrived – order your favourite colour here.